Food = Energy

Food = Energy

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Stafko...I can't get over it!

For those of you who haven't read the provocative Wall Street Journal op-ed, "Okay, you're a runner. Get over it" by Chad Stafko, please do so. When you read it, or if you have already, you may wonder why in the world I, a self-identified runner and lover of the sport and lifestyle, would recommend you do such a thing. It's simple: Stafko's op-ed made me even more proud to be a part of the ever-inclusive running community.

Stafko talks about bumper stickers and 5k t-shirts and how they are all apart of the selfie, social-media age. It was pretty clear to me that Stafko is or was a frustrated man when he wrote this opinion, so it's hard to take seriously, but it sure did get my anxiety levels up!

Here's an excerpt I'd like to share:
Many of my friends who regularly run have done so for years, decades before there was a thing called social media to put humanity's self-absorption in overdrive. These folks also tend to be infatuated with fitness anyway. If they're not out on the streets showing the sedentary world how it's done, they're at the gym or in a spinning class.
But what about the others? You can spot them, wandering through the mall or killing time at Starbucks, proudly wearing their "[Fill in the blank] 5K Run" T-shirts. They're getting what they want, without losing a drop of sweat.
So Mr. Stafko, does this mean that all older runners are legitimate runners, safe from your literary judgement, but all younger runners, because they were born after, let's say, 1980 they're phonies who just crave attention? What kind of message does this send to the youth in this nation who suffer from obesity? Is posting a picture or writing a story of a huge weight-loss success a negative, self-promoting act if it inspires even 1 other person to make their lives better by living a more healthy lifestyle?
What made me proud to be a part of the running community were the responses to Stafko's op-ed. Like I said, if you haven't read his piece, do so. Then, feel free to read these responses or Google them yourself. My favorite title retort: "Okay you're a runner hatah. get over it." Check them out!


Today's run: Rest day!!! Rest days are crucial for runners though not all runners take them. That's fine. What's important is to listen to your body and if you need a rest day, but don't want to avoid all exercise then hit up the gym or do some exercises in the house--as long as you don't run, it can be considered a rest day. I don't like rest days a whole lot unless I really need them, but my legs were feeling a bit weakened from yesterday's long run in the 35 degree evening (probably from the cold asphalt/concrete).

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