Food = Energy

Food = Energy

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

News Blast!

I haven't posted in several days now and for that I am sorry! Truthfully, as I am on winter break, I have tried using my laptop less and less and dedicating most of my free time to reading newspapers, books, and magazines, newspapers. So, in the spirit of reading more, here is a news blast of some recent food and running news!

Did you hear about this guy who ran a marathon in negative degrees Fahrenheit in Siberia? Check out the details below...

Siberian marathoner Boriss Fyodorov

When you see snow, are you immediately thinking about the potential shoveling you will have to do in the morning? If you live in or near New Jersey, are you just getting over the back and arm soreness from the recent shoveling? If you answered "yes" to either of these questions, then you should consider moving to Summit Hill Avenue in Boston. Why do I say that? Find out how the residents of this Boston street managed to get a shoveling job off of their hands for no $ involved... (Article) (Video)

Are you a fast eater or perhaps related to or dating a fast eater? You're not alone. I have been told that I am a fast eater and I suppose it's true because when I'm on my second plate at Val's family house, they're just picking up their forks! Okay, so I'm exaggerating a bit, but all kidding aside, my dad is the fastest (normally-speaking) eater I know. I've tried pointing this out, but having just turned 50 years old this past November, I think this way of eating is stuck. You know...that whole "Old habits die hard" saying.

Here's an article about why he and other fast eaters (myself?) should slow their roll (or slowly eat their rolls?) to keep the calories to a minimum at meal time.

A recent study suggests that a large daily dose of vitamin E might help delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease. If you have a loved one who has Alzheimer's or has passed away from the disease then this study may be of particular interest to you. (Article)

What are the foods most rich in vitamin E? Why, plant-based foods of course! Greens such as spinarch and collard greens are great for vitamin E as well as nuts and avocado! Check out some sources of vitamin E in the following articles. One of them lists fish and shrimp as good sources too so I'm not being biased here! (fish and shrimp mentioned here)

Ever think about setting some sort of record? How about a record for running a marathon? Now, what if that marathon record was an indoor marathon record? That's exactly what Monika Kalicinska did this past Saturday in Toronto. Check out her speedy indoor time below:

Monika Kalicińska running a 2:53 indoor marathon

Did you hear about this Australian couple in their 60's who, on January 1st, completed their 366th consecutive marathon? Janette Murray-Wakelin and Alan Murray accomplished this feat (or each of their 366 feats) "on a diet of raw fruits and vegetables, reportedly beginning their daily run at 5 a.m. and sustaining their energy throughout the day with fruit salads and smoothies." Janette was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 52 and has beaten the cancer. Read how a vegan diet and a serious exercise regime helped her to do so...

Janette Murray-Wakelin and husband Alan Murray of Melbourne, Australia who ran 365

The flu is one the rise! While Val and I do not encourage getting the flu shot vaccination, we would both hope, especially given the rising cases of H1N1 recently, you take the necessary precautions to stay healthy. These precautions include:
-Eat healthy and nutritiously
-Wash your hands regularly
-Get adequate sleep
-Dress appropriately for the outside temps

Read about the rise of flu cases below:

That's all for today. Let's look at it as 7 bits of news for the 7th day of the year!

Happy Reading!

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