Everyone has heard or given motivational phrases at least once. These sayings come in many versions including the following:
-Give it a 110%
-Nothing less than your best
-Go all out
-Break a leg
-Leave it all on the field
-No pain, no gain...
You get the idea. The goal is to encourage one to maximize and achieve his or her potential. There is also the phrase, "Go big or go home." Maybe you've heard of this, maybe you haven't. Allow me to discuss the human embodiment of this phrase.
There have been recent happenings in the track world that need to be given proper attention--especially because the phenomenon is likely to continue (literally, there is a date and place and everything). What do I mean?
The phenom's name is Galen Rupp. And he is hungry.
You may recognize him from a certain 2012 London Olympics. He placed 2nd in the 10,000 meters behind his training partner, Mo Farah. Both of these guys train under the famous Alberto Salazar of the Nike Oregon Project.
So, why do I bring him up?
Well, he is at it again. Actually, he ever really stopped, but that's beside the point. Already, not even out of the first month of the year, Rupp has broken the American records for two events:
- Indoor 5,000 meter (5k): 13:01.26 <-----------That's roughly 4 minutes and 12 seconds per mile!
- Indoor 2 mile (8:07.41)
Whew! I'm exhausted just reading these times and imagining what sub 4:30 must feel like. But is Rupp done? Not a chance. It's just been announced that he is at it again in Boston (he broke both records this month in Boston) on February 15th and this time, he's going after the Indoor Mile.
Now, in the spirit of "Go big or go home," Rupp isn't just trying to break the American indoor record of 3:49.89. He is going after the World Record. What is the WR you ask? 3:48.45. When asked about the risk of Rupp's performance, this was his coach's reply:
"He might die a little going for 3:48," Salazar said. "But we would rather go for it and fail than not go for it and just try to break the American record."
AKA. Go big or go home.
After reading the article (http://www.runnersworld.com/elite-runners/galen-rupp-to-target-indoor-mile-world-record) that featured the news about Rupp's next endeavor, I was pumped and ready to get in my own training.
My goal: break the New Jersey, American, North American, Western Hemisphere, and World records for fastest 4x1 mile (mile repeats) workout to be completed in Piscataway's Johnson Park.
The verification process has not been completed yet, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. No matter what way this thing goes, I had an amazing workout today. The sun was shining; it wasn't snowing; and I was finally in shorts! (I find it difficult to complete a speedier workout in long pants of any kind, including running tights.)
My advice to you if you're in the area: take advantage of the upcoming "warm" temperatures and get your butt outdoors! You never know when the next polar vortex might come! BTW, is it just me or has nobody else heard the term "polar vortex" until this year?
That's all for tonight!
Happy Running!
Today's workout: 4x1 mile repeats with 1.5 mile warm-up and 1.5 mile cool down; 7 miles total
Pre-run fuel: Nothing....or lunch, I suppose. Splurged on a tofu burrito from Currito Burrito. Guilty.
Post-run recovery meal: Bowl of lentils and handful of sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds (all excellent protein sources)
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