I can't believe how fast this year has flown by! I remember talking to everyone about my upcoming student teaching internship in the Fall and now I have 13 school days left to teach. Additionally, I asked Val about any upcoming exams she may have and she replied, "Not until final exams." I was shocked at this long break in her exam, however I was also dead wrong. The last day of Rutgers classes is next week! I've been out of the college courses game for almost an entire semester already. I guess celebrating Halloween and then Thanksgiving weren't really time-checks for me; the days have just been rolling on, blending into one another.
Did you think you can just run away all of those holiday/winter-time calories? "Think again," says a recently published study. I probably should have taken notes while reading the article, but I couldn't help salivating at the look of those runner gingerbread cookies!
Check out the news article here:
Would you like increased heart contraction rates with that drink? Didn't think so.
Check out the article here:
Did you have a bowl of these at your Thanksgiving meal? Well if not, there's always next year! Oh and the 364 days in between. They help with more than just preventing UTIs. Check out why cranberries should be a regular part of your diet:
And of course I couldn't be "up with the times" and not post about the latest celebrities to try a vegan diet...that's right: Beyonce and Jay-Z are going vegan for 22 days.
Read about it below:
I hope you enjoyed today's news blast!
Happy Winter (okay, cold Fall) Running!
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