Not too much going on. Went to my little cousin's high school graduation party (she's off to Rutgers at the end of this month. Woot! Woot!). Val and I brought our own veggie tray and hummus because we knew that our options were going to be quite limited and....we were right. The only other foods we could eat was watermelon (I could actually eat this all day if you let me!), Tostitos chips, and a version of my grandma's family-famous yellow rice that she has altered for Val and I by not cooking it with any meat. So nice of her, right??
So that's all for that day.
Sunday...a bit more eventful!:
We went to the Trenton Punk Rock Flea Market which was actually my first real event like this that I attended to in the city where I was born. I don't know if I would have heard about this event if Val wasn't checking out The Cinnamon Snail's Facebook schedule. So thanks goes out to Val for making it possible for us to experience this pretty neat event.
So this flea market really catered to all things weird, and by "weird" I only mean by typical American standards which includes what you Won't find in a shopping mall. There was jewelry galore and also zombie art, posters, clothes, repurposed-materials-turned-useful-art, and a bunch of other really neat and unique crafts and items.
Easily over 100 vendors were sharing (and selling) there beautiful, artistic, creative crafts and passions with attendees. I've driven past this used-to-be-warehouse so many times, but had no idea how huge it was on the inside.
This guy uses wood materials from the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy to craft these artworks. Pretty neat to idea to repurpose/reuse materials in this way which ties the artwork to the shore that Sandy rocked (waves, surfboards, anchor, shape of NJ).
Val checking out some vintage video games. Brought us back for sure. Her top favorites were Super Mario Kart and Tony Hawk Pro Skater for Nintendo 64. Mine would have to be 007 Golden Eye if I had to choose just one!
Of course Rita's had to make there way to this event. Some of their stuff is vegan! The bus to the right is actually a small boutique store! How cool??
If you look closely, you can see some of a food truck behind the group of people in the center of this picture. That's right. The Cinnamon Snail.
Which segues perfectly into....
Val got a Raw Pizza which she wasn't a huge fan of, but I would definitely get again. So we decided to switch meals about halfway through.
I got the special which was a Habanero Cauliflower "Chicken" sandwich which was just incredible. The hot/spicy habanero sauce definitely made this sandwich, but to get cauliflower to taste and feel like chicken is just mind-boggling to me.
Now the great stuff....
We got 4 desserts, but don't worry...we only had two while we were there. The top-left is a peanut butter chocolate cookie dough donut which was simply phenomenal. Definitely my favorite of the 3 shown here. The brownie-looking dessert is just that: a cheesecake brownie which pretty fantastic as well. The two on the right are The Cinnamon Snail's award winning creme brulee donut which was great, but I prefer to have chocolate with my dessert!
Here's the peanut butter cookie dough donut. Jealous? I know.
And who says vegans just eat lettuce?? Val and I...we live it up!! when it comes to food.
So before I end this post, I just wanted to put it out there that I have requested an interview with The Athletarian who is a resident of Canada (I forget where exactly), with a passion for running and being vegetarian. Her blog is excellent and I love her style of blogging where it's not just about one topic or issue, but really a mix of just whatever comes to mind or whatever happened that day that sticks out....sound familiar? So I hope she allows me to interview her through e-mail and I will let you know either way how that is progressing.
Meanwhile, please click on the link and check out her blog! If you have any questions that you would like me to ask her, please comment on this post or e-mail me at and I will see if the format we agree to allows for your specific question.
That's all for tonight!
Until next time,
Happy Running!
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