Didn't get to post last night. I was pretty bummed about it actually, but realized I late that I had an assignment due the day before (yes, it may have been a tad late). Curse these online classes! Anyway, I had to get that done with after returning from taking the train two towns over to exchange workbooks for my essay correcting job which took place after my evening math class...aren't you annoyed just reading this? So...I had no time to post (or it just would have been an incoherent "blah" that I would spend today's post explaining it).
So on with it already! Speaking of math class...
Definitely made my "Math of Money" class a whole lot more enjoyable! It's like eating a soft, thick cookie dessert, especially when you pair it with coffee--which is what the metal cylinder is to the right of the picture. I usually go for one of the bars with chocolate in it, but I'm loving this Black Cherry Almond recently. Also, just learned today from Val that these Clif bars have about 50% of your daily need of Vitamin B12. This is HUGE when you take into account that vegans are often deficient in B12.
This was intended to be photo exclusively of Nuttzo, but of course Sweet Dreams had to get in on it.
Never heard of Nuttzo? I figured as much. It's a 7 Nut + seed butter that is to die for. Val first heard about it during her Dr. Oz phase and when it came in the mail (we ordered it almost immediately) it was love at first sight. This one we got at the endurance expo this past Sunday. We saw their vendor table and rushed over. We had a couple samples and learned that the seller was the sister of the Nuttzo founder who is based out of California. Pretty cool!
Anyway, it's got an incredible taste and can be used for anything and everything just like peanut butter or almond butter. The past couple of days I've been mixing into my oatmeal breakfasts to add a protein kick to my start-up meal. I wanted to take a picture after I mixed everything I put in my oatmeal, but realized it looked kind of unappetizing. But you can't judge a book by its cover, right?
Is that an x-ray of a lifeboat? A broke flash drive? Oh I know, I know! It's a damaged photograph of a futuristic tunnel-like hallway probably used on a movie set (look closely!).
Well, all of the above possibilities are incorrect. This is a photograph of the oldest piece of earth ever discovered. Read about it here.
See, now you have some insight as to the other kind of miscellaneous headlines and topics that grab my intention when I'm perusing W cubed. (That just happened.)
I don't really have to say much about the next image except for this: They're VEGAN!!!!
"Homemade Energy Truffles courtesy of this Runner's World e-article .
Have high-blood pressure? I sure hope not, but if you do or know someone who does, check out this article that I came across a couple days ago. It is focused on a vegetarian diet as a way to combat high blood pressure. Here is a short excerpt:
Many factors could be affecting the vegetarians' blood pressure. Vegetarian diets are often lower in sodium and saturated fats, while being higher in fiber and potassium. (Bold, mine)
Vegetarians also tend to have lower body mass indexes because fruits and vegetables are less energy dense - meaning you can eat more of them for fewer calories.
Happy Running!